Visit of the Embassy of Great Britain to Medica Zenica: Strengthening Collaboration and Plans for the Future

Today, Medica Zenica hosted a delegation from the Embassy of Great Britain. Neil Kavanagh, Aleksandra Letić, and Pooja Kingsley met with director Sabiha Husić to discuss the organization’s work, ongoing projects, and plans for the future.

➡️ In warm discussions, Embassy representatives and Medica’s team explored possibilities for future collaboration and support, especially in the context of important initiatives that Medica is undertaking in the field of women’s rights, support for victims of violence, and intergenerational trauma.

♥️ Medica expressed great gratitude to the Embassy of Great Britain for their generous support, providing strong assistance in achieving the organization’s goals and improving the quality of support for women and children in the community.

🌍🤝 This visit marks the continuation and strengthening of collaboration between Medica’s team and the Embassy of Great Britain, with the results of these efforts expected to contribute to positive changes in the community.